22 Şubat 2025
Mısır Dışişleri Bakanı'nın BM Güvenlik Konseyi'ne Etiyopya barajının gelişimi hakkında: Mısır, Mısırlıların hayati insani ihtiyaçlarını ve temel haklarını karşılamak için vazgeçilmez olan yenilenebilir su kaynakları için neredeyse tamamen Nil Nehri'ne bağımlıdır. Nil Nehri son yıllarda ortalamanın üzerinde ardışık taşkın mevsimleri yaşamış olsa da, bu durum Mısır'ı ciddi hasarlardan nispeten korumuştur. Etiyopya Başbakanı'nın 26 Ağustos 2024'te duyurduğu gibi Etiyopya politikalarının devam etmesi, Mısır için varoluşsal bir tehdit oluşturmanın yanı sıra iki aşağı akış ülkesindeki 150 milyon vatandaşın hak ve çıkarları için de tehdit oluşturabilir ve böylece bölgesel ve uluslararası barışı ve güvenliği tehlikeye atabilir. Güvenlik Konseyi'ne defalarca başvurmak da dahil olmak üzere tüm barışçıl yolları tükettikten sonra, Etiyopya'yı yasadışı tek taraflı politikalarından vazgeçmeye ve tüm tarafların çıkarlarını ve haklarını dengeleyen mevcut uzlaşmalardan herhangi birini kabul etmeye ikna etme umuduyla, Mısır Hükümeti, Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesi uyarınca Mısır halkının haklarını ve çıkarlarını savunma ve koruma hakkını kullanmaya hazırdır. Mısır, Güvenlik Konseyi'ni, Etiyopya'nın Nil Havzası'ndaki yasadışı tek taraflı uygulamalarını durdurmasını sağlamak için uygun tedbirleri alarak Birleşmiş Milletler Şartı'nın 24. maddesi kapsamındaki sorumluluklarını üstlenmeye çağırıyor
5 ay önce
Mısır Dışişleri Bakanlığı, Güvenlik Konseyi'ne yazdığı mektupta: Etiyopya, komşularıyla sorun çıkarmaya devam ediyor ve bölgesel istikrarı tehdit ediyor
Etiyopya Dışişleri Bakanı: Somali'nin Etiyopya'nın çıkarlarını hedef almaya çalışan taraflarla hareket etmesini durdurmasını talep ediyoruz
Etiyopya, Somaliland'a yeni büyükelçi atadı
Etiyopya, Mavi Nil mega barajında elektrik üretimini iki katına çıkardı
Etiyopya, kısa vadeli hedeflerine ulaşmak için gerginliği artırmaya çalışan "güçlerin" korkunç sonuçlara katlanması gerektiğini söylüyor
Kaynaklara göre, iki C-130 Mısır askeri uçağı Salı günü Mogadişu havaalanına ekipman ve personel taşıyarak ulaştı. nnSomali ve Mısır, Somali ve Etiyopya arasındaki sert anlaşmazlıkların ortasında askeri iş birliklerini güçlendiriyor
6 ay önce
ENDF suffered loss outside Debre Markos. 40 ENDF killed/injured. 5 patrol military trucks captured by Amhara/Fano force along with numerous machine guns/ammunition
Ethiopian and Somali delegations began fresh talks at reconciliation on Monday under Turkish mediation. The parties, both present at the Turkish Foreign Ministry, are not meeting face-to-face, highlighting that Turkish officials are carrying out shuttle diplomacy6 ay önce
Ethiopian and Somali delegations began fresh talks at reconciliation on Monday under Turkish mediation. The parties, both present at the Turkish Foreign Ministry, are not meeting face-to-face, highlighting that Turkish officials are carrying out "shuttle diplomacy
6 ay önce
Turkish President speaks with Ethiopia PM @AbiyAhmedAli by phone; notes that steps to be taken by Ethiopia that would eliminate Somalia's concerns regarding its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity will facilitate the process of ending tension between Ethiopia and Somalia
Sudan's army says it neutralized several [RSF] mercenaries from South_Sudan and Ethiopia near the Mayirno Bridge sector (Sennar state)6 ay önce
Sudan's army says it "neutralized several [RSF] mercenaries from South_Sudan and Ethiopia" near the Mayirno Bridge sector (Sennar state)
Africa CDC says likely to declare health emergency next week over mpox outbreaks
6 ay önce
Olala forests in the state of Ethiopia: the Sudanese refugees are moving and leaving the forest after losing lives and suffering
The second round of preparatory meetings for inter-Sudanese dialogue will take place at the African Union headquarters in Addis_Ababa from August 9th to 12th
Ethiopia: Seven suspects detained for kidnapping coffee exporter in Addis_AbebaThe National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) announced on Friday the arrest of seven individuals in connection with the kidnapping of an investor in Addis Abeba. The victim, Engidaw Wudu, a coffee exporter, was reportedly abducted from his residence in the Bole Bulbula 93 Mazoriya area and taken to Awash Melaksa, Oromia region6 ay önce
Ethiopia: Seven suspects detained for kidnapping coffee exporter in Addis_AbebaThe National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) announced on Friday the arrest of seven individuals in connection with the kidnapping of an investor in Addis Abeba. The victim, Engidaw Wudu, a coffee exporter, was reportedly abducted from his residence in the Bole Bulbula 93 Mazoriya area and taken to Awash Melaksa, Oromia region
Ethiopia's birr currency sank 30% against the dollar on Monday to 74.73 per dollar, the biggest commercial lender said, after the central bank removed restrictions on foreign currency trading
Ethiopia calls on regional countries to coordinate efforts to fight proliferation trafficking of small arms and light weapons - statement This follows after the Somali government recently reported seizure of weapons smuggled from the border with Ethiopia. Somalia said some of the weapons fell into the hands of armed militias after the government forces escorting were ambushed
Eritrea announces it will suspend all @flyethiopian flights to Eritrea alleging 'hostile trade practices' and 'organised theft' of passenger luggage7 ay önce
Eritrea announces it will suspend all @flyethiopian flights to Eritrea alleging 'hostile trade practices' and 'organised theft' of passenger luggage
7 ay önce
The newly established South Ethiopia region has been hit by a terrible landslide that claimed the lives of 157 people so far
7 ay önce
Ethiopia and the UNHCR plan to gradually close the Awlala and Kumer refugee sites in the troubled Amhara region after resettling Sudanese refugees fleeing from war
Armed groups storm the place where Sudanese refugees are located in the Olala forests in Ethiopia. Heavy and random shooting is fired
Ethiopia to train large number of soldiers for Somaliland, according to @SLNTV’s Facebook page. The station reported on Thursday that the commander of Somaliland forces Gen. Nuh Ismail Tani bidding farewell to the trainees at Wajaale town.(Pic courtesy of @SLNTV)
7 ay önce
The Prime Minister of Ethiopia leads communications to bring together the parties to the conflict in Sudan in an initiative to stop the war
7 ay önce
Abiy Ahmed in Port Sudan: complex security files at the negotiating table
Ethiopia's gov. is preparing an ‘International Crimes Proclamation’ as part of the transitional justice. It will nullify all forms of immunity. Perpetrators based abroad will be extradited. The law will set terms for cooperation with foreign governments
Ethiopia: Nearly 5,000 internally displaced persons return to North western TigrayNearly 5,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) have returned to Northwestern Tigray on Friday, as part of the third phase of an ongoing return process7 ay önce
Ethiopia: Nearly 5,000 internally displaced persons return to North western TigrayNearly 5,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) have returned to Northwestern Tigray on Friday, as part of the third phase of an ongoing return process
Ethiopia PM @AbiyAhmedAli says his country has “no fight” with the Somali government. He told Ethiopian lawmakers on Thursday that Ethiopia “sacrificed for peace in Somalia and the ruling party is showing its respect to Somalia and its people.”
RSF rebel group advancing towards Dinder. Heavy fighting in the district. Dinder is border district between Sudan  and Ethiopia . Ethiopian largest Dam GERD is located near Dinder district Sudan7 ay önce
RSF rebel group advancing towards Dinder. Heavy fighting in the district. Dinder is border district between Sudan and Ethiopia . Ethiopian largest Dam GERD is located near Dinder district Sudan
Ethiopian and Somalia foreign ministers meet in Türkiye to ease diplomatic tensions. In a bid to ease tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia, the foreign ministers of the two countries have arrived in Türkiye.7 ay önce
Ethiopian and Somalia foreign ministers meet in Türkiye to ease diplomatic tensions. In a bid to ease tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia, the foreign ministers of the two countries have arrived in Türkiye.
Ethiopia government denies “Cancellation” of the MOU between Ethiopia and breakaway region of “Somaliland”